Why I Write

Growing up I wasn’t rich, I was raised by my pops because my mom left when I was a little girl but that’s another story. So when I started high school my dad couldn’t afford to pay for my school tuition and provide the textbooks I needed.

Continue reading “Why I Write”

Thank You A Million

I thank you from the bottom of my heart, your comments and inspiration keep me going and make me want to even go harder.

I want to take the time to personally thank each and everyone who takes the time out to support my blog by following me, reading my thoughts, like my stories, getting inspiration through my blog, and also seeing the truth within.

Thank thank thank 🙏😊🥂🎉💃


Today reflect on this week were you productive?

Did you get all the things done that you set out to do?

Reflect and gather notes and make plans to how you will improve your productivity for next week.

Holding yourself accountable for your action will force you to go harder.

With that said have a productive weekend 😊

New Start

We cannot change the past,

But we can start a new chapter in our life

With a new beginning and happy ending.

Cuffing Season- When Is It

Winter should be the time you start shopping or even considering your cute winter outfits, winter boots are even looking for your favorite warm drink or desert but instead, this is the time lots of folks shopping for Cuffing partners to get through the buzzard season.

How much of you are guilty of this? Shopping or considering a winter buddy or cuddling partner to get you through the cold ❄️ dreadful winter?

Cuffing seasons normally start around October to March, which is why I thought this is the best time to write this article.

When cuffing season starts people start to rethink been single and start thinking about what they want from there cuffing partners and what they are looking for to get them through the winter holiday season. These people 👫 will have lots of rules and contract to what they expect from their winter partners, they are not looking for anything long term or any commitment.

There are even resources and apps out there that give you information on cuffing season, and even provide you with lists of questions to ask and what to expect.

Lots of people don’t want to go through the winter and holiday season alone. So they will look for someone they can cuddle up with, spend time and do things with to get them through the holiday. These things as becoming very big for single folks, they will go to the extreme and even make it a mission to find someone as soon as possible before the cold days come up against us.

Cuffing normally lasts through the winter season and as soon as the weather becomes warmer they will break it off and go back to being single again.

So if you are single and don’t want to spend that dreadful cold night and days alone maybe you should consider looking into Cuffing who knows you might find someone to get you the winter season and those dreadful holiday party and events.

Whatever you all decide have fun and stay warm.